The Fenty Campaign released a new ad today, accusing his opponent, Chairman Vincent Gray, of not being able to admit mistakes he has made as a city official. The ad begins with a myriad of public officials such as President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in interviews admitting to committing some "mistake". The ad then flashes to Vince Gray on yesterday's Fox 5 Debate saying that he is "proud of the record" he has as a councilman when asked what mistakes he had made thus far.
The ad then diverts to his record as DHS director, citing that Vince Gray was responsible for losing millions in city money and losing track of foster children (all quotes flashing up from articles in the early 1990's). The ad would have been good: except, the question posed in the scene before was NOT what his mistakes were in his entire political career, but the mistakes he has made during his tenure as a member of the council (the past 5 years). So, the ad would have been good, but definitely did not prove the point it had intended to.
It was definitely a good attempt to try to pull Vince Gray into conceding his mistakes, as Mayor Fenty has been doing for the past month or so, but it definitely undermines the relevance of the Chairman's past mistakes when they are a decade old.
I am sure Vincent Gray has made mistakes on the council, but the ad released gave no insight into it.
Back to the drawing board.
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